Post by machiavelli rousseau on Nov 24, 2011 23:56:23 GMT -5
« Vous desirez, madamoiselle?* » The server stared down at her impatiently ; he had been waiting on her order for the last hour. She merely sat there, staring at the hordes of people that walked side-by-side down Les Champs-Elysées. They were all strangers to her, part of a time that was fascinating and frightening to her all at the same time. The server coughed loudly, reminding her that he was still awaiting her answer. Machiavelli blinked and stared at him, her brow furrowed with confusion. She then remembered where she was and curtly answered him.
« Je ne voudrais que de l’eau** » She went back to people watching, gazing and wondering how long she would have to live like this. It was a sunny day in Paris, France, and beams of light seem to catch on the Eiffel Tower creating a glare in her vision. The clouds were few and far between, and a gentle breeze ruffled her light jacket.
*What do you desire, miss? **I would only like water ***You don't have to know french here; machi knows french because she grew up with a french father in the renaissance: french was the cool thing to know. English is perfectly acceptable for dialogue, just in case there is any confusion